November has been an incredible month for the team at Main Street Heating and Cooling. First, we want to say “thank you” to the friends and clients who continually support our work as Utah’s heating, air conditioning, and service leader. We’re deeply grateful. Also, we want to thank the many people who have supported Main Street Movember and have generously donated to our food bank outreach. We also want to send out best thoughts and wishes to #SFBatkid, Miles Scott.
Like millions of people across the country we were touched by Miles, the San Francisco “Bat Kid” and his amazing adventures. Thanks to the Make-a-Wish foundation we watched a city, then a nation, make Miles’ dream of saving Gotham come true. It was a touching, human reminder that we all play small roles in helping each other live better lives. Go get ‘em Miles!
As you can see by the picture, Movember has turned in to Beardvember here at Main Street. It’s not exactly by the Movember rules, but Brent’s wife sort of put her foot down on his handlebar moustache. Plus, we didn’t think that Brent could actually grow a full beard. Turns out we were wrong about the beard but very right about the importance of supporting the Movember Movement. Men from around the world are proudly sharing their “Mo’s” in order to bring funding and awareness to men’s health issues. Main Street Heating and Cooling is equally proud to be involved and support this outstanding moustache movement. Can’t say that Brent’s wife is totally on board yet but there’s always 2014!
Finally, Main Street Heating and Cooling is contributing to a local food bank. Helping people feel comfortable in their homes is what we do as a business. But what if the people living in the homes are going hungry? According to a 2012 study, 15.8% or nearly one in six Utah households suffer from food hardships. The number of Utah families requiring food assistance has increased 269%. Food hardships have a ripple effect ranging from health problems to lost time at work to poor academic performance. This year Main Street Heating and Cooling is supporting the South Valley Food Bank. Please give us a call or send us an email if you’d like to learn how to help us ensure that no family goes hungry this holiday season.
So as we head towards Thanksgiving, everyone here at Main Street Heating and Cooling wishes you, your family, and your loved ones a fantastic Thanksgiving!