In recent years, the amount of bad air has increased
immensely, making people sick all over the world. There are many
factors that contribute to poor air quality. Did you know that 52% of the bad air quality is due to car
emissions, while refineries only account for 32%? The majority our bad air comes from the
amount of driving we do. Refineries and factories then add pollution to the
air. There are several ways we can effectively minimize the amount of pollution that is in our air.
The biggest most effective means of minimizing pollution is to purchase products with clean air in mind. There are several products out there
that either don’t affect or have minimal impact on pollution levels.
The most effective way to keep poor air quality out of your home is to help increase the air quality outside of your home. There are numerous options that will help to reduce emissions and create better air quality outside of your home. The first and most effective is public transportation, luckily we live in a city where public transportation is an incredibly viable option. The Utah Transit Authority or UTA has several options that make it possible to travel the city without ever having the need for a car. Another option is ride-sharing or car pooling. If every driver in Salt Lake City were to carpool with at least 3 other individuals, that would immediately drop emissions by nearly 75%. A more expensive option would be buying a more fuel-efficient vehicle.
Effects of Poor Air on the Body
What should not be a shock to anyone is that poor air quality can lead to both long-term and short-term health problems. These health problems can take many shapes and sizes and can be extremely harmful if left untreated. Lung infection is one of the more serious conditions that can be caused by poor air quality. Nasal congestion, while not as serious, can still lead to more serious issues like sinus infections. Prolonged exposure to poor air quality can cause individuals to develop Asthma, while people who already suffer from Asthma are much more likely to have attacks when air quality is poor. Headaches can also be caused by poor air quality and can exacerbated by the smells and fumes associated with an inversion.
There are Ways to Keep it Outside
Even if the dirty air can't be immediately dealt with outdoors, there are steps you can take to improve the air quality inside of your home. If your home has an old or outdated furnace or air conditioning system, you may want to consider an upgrade. Newer HVAC systems do not simply move air through your home, they also help filter and clean the air to ensure that the air in your home is of the highest quality. If you have a newer HVAC system, be sure to check and replace your filters regularly. Poor air quality can be a hazard for people living in the Salt Lake Valley, improving outdoor air quality requires cooperation and consideration among all residents. However, there are options for you to improve the air quality inside of your home that do not require hundreds of thousands people to cooperate.